
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Organization Theory - 20

In the earlier blog, we began looking at the various general ways which could be used to formalize in an organization. In today's blog we continue the discussion and deal about the following means of formalization:
  1. Role Requirements
  2. Rule, Procedures and Policies

Role Requirements: 

Any individual in an organization performs a role. Each role has a certain set of expectations from the individual, his behavior and tasks he is to perform etc.Since the job comes with a role expectation, it plays a major role in regulating the employee's behavior.

These could be explicit or implicit. By loosing or tightening the role expectations, one could essentially loosen or tighten the degree of formalization in an organization.

Rule, Procedures and Policies

Since the roles would get obvious as we define them, let’s just understand these and the role played would be clearer with that.

Rules are explicitly stated statements that tell an employee what he or she ought or ought not to do. - These do not leave any room for employee discretion or judgement. They state a particular behavior pattern in a particular situation.

Procedures are a series of interrelated sequential steps that employees follow in the accomplishment of their job tasks. These steps follow a specific sequence (standardization) that results in a uniform output.

Policies are guidelines that set constraints on decision that employees make. - These allow employees use discretion but within boundaries.

Read in Kannada:

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