
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Manager's usage of history to predict the future

Continuing from the last blog, where we began a discussion on the managerial implications of the understanding of history that we had developed, we today look at the next 2 implications for the manager.

2. Recognize the Limited Range of Solutions

It is common to find people who would love to use what they have already learnt! In organizations too when you are faced with a new revolutionary change - it is common to be tempted to use the technique that had succeeded the last time. This essentially would complicate problems since the current organization structure is in response to the earlier revolution and the current revolution has grown out of the processes and structure that have evolved through the adaptation learning from the last revolution - seasoned through the evolutionary phase in between. 

The management should be prepared to dismantle the current structures before the revolutionary phase become extremely turbulent. Top managers too would have to realize that their management style are no longer appropriate and may even have to move out of the leadership positions.

It is important to note that evolution stage is not an automatic stage; it is a contest for survival. The company would have to consciously introduce planned structures to solve the current crisis but also are fitted to the next phase of growth.

3. Realize the Solutions breed new problems

Historical determinants are very much the determinants of what happens to the company at a much longer date. This awareness would help managers to avoid the habit of "pinning the blame" on a current development. A well experienced practitioner would also be able to "predict" future problems - thereby effective solutions and coping strategies could be gotten running before the revolution gets out of hand. 

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