
Monday, December 5, 2011

Task interdependence and Technology summary

In the last blog, we looked at intensive technology and reciprocal interdependence. In today’s blog we take a look back at all the various interdependence and technologies to get a comprehensive view of the topics discussed over the last 10 blogs.

We could summarize the complete discussion on task interrelation and technology in the following diagram. 
(based on Thompson)

It is to be noted that task interdependence increases from pooled to sequential to reciprocal, mechanisms of coordination get added to the organization. Pooled interdependence only requires rules and procedures, sequential interdependence uses rules, procedures and scheduling. Reciprocal independence uses all these coordination mechanism and "mutual adjustment".

To provide an alternate view of what define the organizational structure we would like to take the focus on to what Galbraith has suggested. He claims that it is communication that shapes the organization structure. He also argues that technical complexity leads to structural complexity, uncertainty promotes organic forms, and interdependence increases demands for coordination, because these factors increase the communication load carried by organization. This in turn affects its structural form. Thus - technology is related to social structure through the mediating effects it has on communication. 

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