
Monday, January 16, 2012

Organization Innovation and streams of thought

In the last blog, we talked about some of the tests that anyone who intends to redesign his organization would have to take note of. In today’s blog, we begin our discussion on one of the common reasons for forcing an organization redesign - Organization Innovation.

Organization's ability to innovate is a necessary precondition for it to successfully utilize the inventive resources and new technologies. It could also be seen that many a times, by introducing a new technology, the organization is often pushed into complex puzzle of opportunities and organization challenges. These in turn lead to change in management practices and sometimes lead to the emergence of new organizational forms. Clearly organizational and technology innovations could be seen as being intertwined.

A simple generic that the term "organizational innovation" could refer to would be - the creation or adoption of an idea or behavior that is new to the organization.

Broadly as a field, the study on Organizational Innovation could be classified into 3 broad streams of thoughts

  1. Organizational Structure and Innovation
  2. Organizational Cognition, Learning and Innovation
  3. Organizational Change and Innovation. 

Over the next few blogs we shall talk bout these and some of the constituent theories these streams might find.

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