
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Class of Theories relating organizational change and innovation

In the last blog, we looked at the affect of market economies on the organization's structure and there by the innovation - knowledge sharing perspective. Over the last few blogs we have covered 2 dimension of the study of organizational innovation - its relation with organization structure and its relation with organization knowledge creation & learning. Starting from today, over the next few blogs we attempt to understand the relation between organizational change and the innovation there in.

If one where to begin the journey of understanding the relation between the ways an organizational change we would first have to understand the process or perception of the way organizations change itself. It is pretty clear that organizational change happens in response to the environmental challenges or technology changes. Management theorists have classified the study of organizational adaptation and change into 3 categories
  1. Incremental / Evolutionary view of Organizational change - it focuses on the way environments select organizations and how this selection process creates change in the organization form. 
  2. Punctuated Equilibrium and Discontinuous Organization Transformation - treats organizational transformation as discontinuous event occurring over a short period of time
  3. Strategic adaptation and Continuous Change - stresses that managerial action and organizational learning and importance of continuous change. The organization is not a passive recipient but has the power to influence and shape it.
We shall dwell into these individual streams over the next few blogs.

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