
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Organizational Behavior in a System's view - 4 internal compoents

In the last blog, we looked at the interdisciplinary nature of the organization behavior. In today's blog we continue exploring the subject of OB by providing it a systems perspective - and limit ourselves to the four major internal components of an organization. In the next blog we shall attempt to represent these in a pictorial fashion.

To have a strong understanding of OB, it is essential to understand the human behavior as well as the organizational context within which such a behavior takes place. We shall represent these through the systems view in the next blog. Early researchers in the field of OB identified the following 4 internal components of the framework that was developed to understand the human behavior.
  1. Task: The task of an organization is the mission, purpose or goal for its existence
  2. People: The people are human resources of the organization
  3. Technology: The term technology represents the wide range of tools, knowledge, and/or techniques that are used to transform an input into an output.
  4. Structure: The terms structure refers to the systems of communication, authority, and workflows.

In the next blog we shall structure these in a larger context of the open-system view of an organization.

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