
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Expectancy Model of Motivation 3

In the last byte, we looked at a model for the Expectancy Model of Motivation which was adapted from the standard reference book. In today's byte, we look at exploring the relationship a bit further.

Perspectives of individuals could be that regardless of the amount of additional effort put forth, there wouldn’t be any improvement in performance, and since the performance has no relationship with the reward, there could be no meaning in putting in the additional effort. It is essentially the person’s belief about the relation between the constructs that is important (it is not the actual nature of the relation that matter!). What the individual believes in is the relation is what would motivate the individual to work.

It would however be interesting how this expectation about the relation would act in the business world when in a volatile environment like today.

Companies and Managers could use the expectancy theory to design motivation programs. The performance plans and evaluation systems could be designed to enhance a person's belief that effort would lead to better performance and that the better performance would lead to a pay increase and other reward. Valance and Expectancy play a major role in establishing priorities for employees when they pursue multiple goals.

It is the idea of valance that people place on various rewards that varies - an individual could choose salary over other benefits while another could choose benefits over salary! Every individual doesn’t place the same value on each reward.

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