
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Goal Setting

In the last byte, we looked at how personality differences influence the way individuals learn. This discussion was part of understanding how individuals learn. In many ways, learning is also influences by motivation and we have discussed about it prior to starting our discussion on learning. One way to motivate individuals is also by setting up goals. Over this byte and the next few, we shall look at understanding the process of goal setting its various dimensions.

Goal setting could be described as a process of establishing desired results that guide and direct behavior. Goals not just give direction but also help crystallize the sense of purpose and mission that is essential to succeed at work. This goal setting process helps get priorities and purpose aligned with the goals and there by act as important sources of motivation for people at work - this leads to collective achievement even in difficult times.

Let us begin with understanding how a goal is to be designed.

The way one defines the goal plays a very important role in the influence it creates on the team members trying to achieve the goal. A lousy, unclear goal could be least expected and in many cases also gets the team to lose its motivation with its shifting nature. Goals are best when they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Bound. These could be remembered by their acronym - SMART.

We shall continue the discussion of these characteristics of the Goal in the next byte.

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