
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Performance Management: Poor Performance Attribution

In the last byte, we looked at the potential source of Poor Performance. In today's byte, we look at some of the typical issues that happen when we attempt to attribute a poor performance.

If we are working in a team, we often find situations where the team is encountered with a poor performance. While some of the team leaders assign the responsibility to the external factors that where beyond the control of the team, there are others who attribute the poor performance to the employee whom they feel hadn’t worked hard enough. This is the subject matter of Attribution Theory - according to which, managers make their attributions (inferences) concerning employees behavior and performance. It is also found that, supervisors and employees who do not share perceptions and attributes are more likely to blame each other for performance problems! (True isn't it!)

Harold Kelly extended this understanding on the way we attribute and identified antecedents of internal and external attribution. We shall discuss this further in the next byte, but leave you with 3 definitions to mull over:
  1. Consensus: An informational cue indicating the extent to which peers in the same situation behave in a similar fashion.
  2. Distinctiveness: An informational cue indicating the degree to which an individual behaves the same way in other situation
  3. Consistency: An informational cure indicating the frequency of behavior over time

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