Thursday, January 2, 2014

Communication - Interpersonal Process 5

In the last byte, we looked at understanding the importance of feedback and language in the context of an organization. In today's byte, we look at understanding the terms - data, information and richness a bit clearer.

Data refers to the un-interpreted, unanalyzed elements of any message (in the context of interpersonal communication here). If this data provides meaning to someone through interpretation or through analysis, then it transforms into information.

All messages need a medium to be conveyed - this could be telephone or face to face or mail etc. Each of these medium differ in their ability to convey the meaning of the message for the receiver - the following table summarizes the comparison.

[This is a modified representation of the Table 8.1 published in the reference book]
The attributes of the communication medium affect the richness communicated and any influence seeking behavior that is generated.

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