Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - One Way & Two Way

In the last byte, we looked at the two non verbal dimensions of reflective listening. In today's byte, we look at one way and two way communication. Let’s begin with the definition for clarity sake:

Two-way Communication:
Is a form of communication in which the communicator and receiver interact?
This interactive communication allows for exchange of thoughts, feelings, or both and through which a new shared meeting. Problem solving and Decision Making often use two way communications.

One-Way Communication:
Is a communication in which a person sends a message to another personal and no feedback, questions, or interactions follow? Example: Giving instructions, giving directions etc...
It occurs when a person sends a unidirectional message to the receiver and there is no reflective listening or feedback in the communication process.

These would be better discussed in a bit more detail and we shall continue this in the next byte.

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