
Friday, January 17, 2014

Leadership Grid 2

In the last byte, we looked at the leadership grid. Today's session we describe the various points on the grid.

  • (5,5) - Organization Man Manager:    A middle of the road manager
  • (9,1) - Authority compliance Manager:     A leader who emphasizes production
  • (1,9) - Country Club Manager:        A leader who creates a happy, comfortable work environment
  • (9,9) - Team Manager:            A leader who builds a highly productive team of committed people
  • (1,1) - Impoverished Manager:         A leader who exerts just enough efforts to get by

Two new leadership styles have been added to these five:
  • (9+9) - Paternalistic Manager:        A leader who promises reward and threatens punishment
  • (Opp) - Opportunistic Manager:        A leader whose style aims to maximize self-benefit

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