
Friday, January 17, 2014

Path-Goal Theory 2

In the last byte, we began our discussion on the Path-Goal Theory of Leadership. We continue the discussion further in today's byte. 

If we carefully observe the path-goal theory, we note that Robert House has based the leadership effectiveness theory on the Expectancy theory of Motivation. The basic role of the leader is thus, to clear the follower's path to the goal and he/she may use one of the four leadership behavior styles as appropriate - with the primary motive of helping followers clarify the path that paths that lead them to work and personal goals.
The leader selects of the four leadership behavior style as shown, one that is most helpful to the follower at a given time.
  1. Directive style is used when the leader must give specific guidance about work tasks, schedule work and let followers know what is expected
  2. Supportive style is used when the leader needs to show concern for the follower's wellbeing and social status
  3. The Participative Style is used when the leader must engage in joint decision-making activities with followers.
  4. Achievement oriented style would be used when the leader must set a challenging goal for followers and show a strong confidence in them.

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