
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Preventive Stress Management 3

In the last byte, we went on to complete our discussion through a diagrammatic mapping of organizational context with the preventive medicine context and attempted understanding Preventive stress Management. In today's byte we begin the discussion on organizational methods of preventive stress management.

Some organizations have a low-stress and healthy environment while others have a high stress environment with influence on the health of employees. Research has indicated that the perception of organizational fairness and justice helps reduce stress in organizations.

A comprehensive approach to ensure preventive stress management should address all three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. Most organizational prevention at the primary level is in the form of job redesign, goal setting, role negotiation, and career management. The secondary level includes team building and social support at work. Handling the third level requires a special means and some companies have put up dedicated programs like - violence prevention programs, etc to address these.

Over the next few bytes, we shall discuss about Job Redesign, Goal Setting, Role Negotiation and Social Support systems as part of understanding the primary level preventive stress management techniques.

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