
Friday, January 17, 2014

Situational Leadership Model 2

In the last byte, we began our discussion about the situational leadership model. We continue this discussion in today's byte.

The model uses two dimensions of leadership behavior that were used in the Ohio studies - task oriented and relationship oriented. Follower readiness is determined by the four levels indicated.

According to the model, a leader shout use a telling style (s1) when a follower is unable and unwilling to do a certain tasks - instructions and monitoring are crucial here. When a follower is unable but willing and confident of doing the task - in such a case the leader can use a selling style (s2). In case a follower is able to complete a task but may be unwilling or insecure of doing so, then a participatory style (s3) might be suited. In case the follower is able and willing, the leader could use delegating style (s4).

A key limitation of this model is the absence of a central hypothesis that could be tested, which would make it a more valid, reliable theory of leadership.  However, given its intuitive appeal, this model is widely used an accepted in corporative training and development.

1 comment:

  1. According to situational leadership hypothesis, there are awful and terrible styles, just those that are fitting for the given circumstance of assignment and individuals. Thanks!!!
