Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stress - Strain Relationship 3

In the last byte, we looked at how gender influences the stress-strain relationship. In today's byte, we look at how stress-strain are influenced by Type A Personality.

Type A Behavior also known as Coronary-Prone Behavior is a complex of personality and behavioral characteristics, including competitiveness, time urgency, social status insecurity, aggression, hostility and a quest for achievements. Some of the primary components could be summarized as below:

The above table is adopted from the reference book. Of these, time urgency, aggression and hostility are thought of as lethal ones.

The alternative to the Type A behavior pattern in the Type B behavior pattern. The Type B personalities are relatively free of the time A behavior identified in the table above. Organizations too could be Type A or Type B. Stress increases when the Type A person joins a Type B organization or vice versa. The most risky heath disorders would be found in the people of Type A working in a Type A organization!

Type A behavior could be modified, but this begins with identification of the personality type, the next step would be to get them to spend more time with the type B individuals... There are many similar ways that the challenge at hand could be addressed.... look out for cues.

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