
Friday, January 17, 2014

Women Leaders

In the last byte, we looked at the role of trust in leadership. In today's byte, we look at women leaders.

Most of us have heard about - Marissa Mayer, who is the president and CEO of Yahoo! She is working hard to turn around the fortunes of Yahoo! and has shown good promise. On the other hand, we have also heard about leaders like Jack Welsh who was the CEO of GE between 1981 and 2001.

The question then is - do women and men lead differently?
Stereotypes of people generally classify successful managers as having more male-oriented attributes than female oriented attributes! While there is legitimate gender difference that may exist, the same leadership traits may be interpreted differently in a man and women because of the stereotype.
It has been found that women tend to use more people-oriented style that is inclusive and empowering. Women managers excel in positions that demand strong interpersonal skills.
With more and more women assuming positions of leadership in organization, it is apt to know more about the ways women lead.

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