
Monday, July 7, 2014

Career and Career Management

In the last byte, we understood the various paths one could take for a cultural change in their organisation. In today's byte, we initiate our discussion on careers and career management. 

We define Career as: The pattern of work-related experiences that span the course of a person's life. Note here that it is beyond the "job" that one does in an organization - it is just related to the job one pick up as part of the role. 

Career Management is: a life-long process of learning about self, jobs and organizations; setting personal career goals; developing strategies for achieving those gals, and revising the goals based on work and life experience.  

As managers we could think of three resons to gain an understanding of career management:
  1. If one know what to look forward to in our career, one could take a proactive step towards planning and managing them.
  2. The experience of employees and coulleagues as they pass through the various stages of careers over their life span could be better understood.
  3. It is a good business! Better trained employees keep up with their fieldds so that organization could protect valuable investment in human resource.

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