
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Changing Paradigm of Careers

In the last byte, we looked at the definition of career and career management and understood why it would be important for a manager to understand career management. In today' byte we look at the chaging paradigm of career. 

The concept of life-time employement in a single organization is almost a reality today - and the challenge is to create a constantly learning organisation. We use the reference book table 17.1 to understand the old and new paradims of career in this byte and the next few.

We do this on 4 broad heads in which we can look at these transitions:
  • The mutual loyalty contract has given way to Discrete exchange
  • The one-employer focus has given way to occupational excellence
  • The top-down firm structure is now one of organizational empowerment
  • Corporate allegiance has given way to project allegiance
We shall look at these closely in the next byte.

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