
Monday, February 28, 2011

Business, Change and Innovation

Business constantly need to handle their biggest fear - change. While businesses try to keep the change under control, they are exposed to change every day. Some changes are slow and manageable while the others are quick and even unthought-of of! Handling changes is a core task of any manager today.

Handling change necessitates that there has to be a constant urge to innovate. To move beyond what is seen, anticipate the next change and act to handling the change. In case you are the first to initiate a change - be it in customer trends, products or even process you definitely create an edge over your competition. Winning over the competition in the business world is critical - so companies need to work at constantly and steadily innovating their business activities and functions.

It is innovation that has allowed Dell cater to its global clients with speed. It is innovation that has lead Apple to move from a cash crunch to a leader in the Smartphone world. It is innovation that has historically allowed many companies stand the test of time. Companies (in fact even states) which limit their innovation have slowly degraded and disappeared.

Decisions being made in this changing business landscape and handling it with innovations to create a competitive edge over your rival in business are an essential quality for mangers today.

Read in Kannada:


  1. I agree, anticipation is key now days for businesses..

  2. Yes, change is accepted well when it's in customers' trend.
