
Thursday, February 17, 2011

The journey this far

Before I continue discussing on other aspects of Management in this blog, taking cue from my interaction with students that frequently revision of the concepts and providing the larger perspective is a must and, hence retrospective blog.

Having defined management as a complicated decision making process, we went on to see how a business model is the critical success ingredient when one tries to match the demand and supply gap. Every Business function plays a very critical role in the success of a business model, a thorough understanding of the primary elements of the factors of production is key in the decision making attempt by managers.

I haven’t yet dealt with some topics that many MBA students begin their study with - a basic course on economics, statistics, accountancy etc. I have found that many students of management specialize too quickly in a particular area, but forget to get the general picture of the working which is essential for a good decision making. We would definitely explore these components of management, but I would approach it from a management application - decision making perspective than just a tutorial perspective.

My interactions with most of you have encouraged me to keep these blogs applications focused. Thank you all for getting back to me on the blog posts. Looking forward to share more what I have learnt. Lets meet next week - Sachi

Read in Kannada:

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