
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Organization Theory - 5

In the last blog, we looked at a pictorial representation of the organization as an open system. In today's blog we look at various key sub-systems that function in an organization pictorially represented. 

We take the reference of this picture from an article by one of the leading management thinkers of our age - Henry Mintzberg. We can find the link here

An analysis of organizations of varying sizes, industries, domains, highlight 5 major components that exist in all organizations - but these vary from organization to organization. These are:

  1. Strategic Apex: Organizations begin with an idea and are driven by the individual and the top management team - this is represented by Strategic Apex
  2. Operating Core: The work force hired to do the conduct the basic work of the organization is represented by the Operating Core
  3. Middle Line: The work force generally doesn’t coordinate directly with the top management and there are numerous managers in between - these forms the middle line
  4. Technostructure: These are generally analysts who design systems dealing with formal planning and control of work
  5. Support Staff: These people provide the indirect support to the rest of the organization, like - cafeteria, public relations etc

In the next few blog we look at how these 5 components change across different organizations.

Read in Kannada:

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