
Monday, October 3, 2011

Organization Theory - 15

In the earlier 3 blogs, we looked at the various dimensions of complexity - The last one completed Spatial Differentiation. Having explained these varieties, it is definitely an interesting and would have occurred in our mind that these might be interrelated; the question now is - can we predict them?

A look around us, and we would definitely realize that there are a different varieties of organizations. We have a small tea shop, we have food chains like McDonald, we have government and its various services etc. All these are at different sizes and different levels of complexity. It would be hard to generalize the relation amongst different dimensions of complexity.

In organization like the Indian government administration machinery - we have high complexity on every dimension - horizontal, vertical and spatial. And in the case of the small "kaka tea shop" run by kaka himself, there is absolutely no complexity of any type. Excepting for these 2 extreme cases; it would be very hard to generalize a rule about the inter-relation amongst the various dimensions - hence these 3 dimensions do not come as a package.

In an academic set up like the engineering college - There would be very little vertical differentiation, but the horizontal differentiation would be very high; and almost no spatial differentiation. The opposite case could be seen in an army - very high vertical differentiation with very little horizontal differentiation.

Read in Kannada:

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