
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

5 dimensions affecting the organization's growth

In the last blog, we began our discussion on understanding how the organization grows, in today's blog we look at the key forces that affect the organization development. We shall discuss 2 of these forces and the remaining in the next blog. 

It has always been a hard call on whether the organization's structure would define its strategy or is it that the organization's strategy would define the organization strategy. Though each of these approaches could have a long and detailed discussion, to understand the way we look at the current blog, we would take the approach that it is structure plays a critical role in influencing corporate strategy. We can look at 5 key dimensions that are important in building a model for organization development, these are:
  1. Age of the Organization
  2. Size of the Organization
  3. Stages of Evolution
  4. Stages of Revolution
  5. Growth rate of the industry

Let us begin looking at each of these dimensions:
Age of the organization: 
This is one of the most obvious of the dimensions that one can think of. A simple observation would clarify that the same organization practices are not maintained throughout a long time span. - Management problems and principles are rooted in time. The passage of time is also the factor that enables institutionalization of managerial attitudes.

Size of the organization:
A company’s challenges and theirs solutions tend to change a lot as the company scales up - both in terms of the number of employees and the sales volumes. Organizations that grow in size need to change their structure and management practices over a longer time frame. Along with the increase in size, come problems of coordination and communication, new functions emerge, levels in the management hierarchy multiply, and jobs become more interrelated.

Let us continue the discussion in the next blog.

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