
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Goal Setting: Summary

In the last byte, we looked at how goal setting improves performance evaluation. In today's byte, we look to summarize the discussion on goal setting thus far and then build the bridge for transitioning to the next topic of performance and its management.

We began with outlining the need for goal setting and identified the characteristics of an effective goal. We mentioned that the goals would have to be defined in a SMART method to make it more effective. The relation between a goal which is challenging and the manner in which an individual's task performance increases was briefly highlighted.

We then went on to explore the functions that goal setting performs. Broadly it performs 3 functions:
  1. Increasing work motivation and Task Performance
  2. Reducing role-stress, conflict and ambiguity
  3. Improving performance evaluation.
Goal setting programs are widely applied in the industry and the ease of implementation is defined by the state in which the company is - Companies in the stable predictable industrial settings would find it more easily implementable than those working in a dynamic environment.

As goal setting is related to the ability to improve performance at work place, we shall move the next discussion on to the issue of performance management.

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