
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

In the last byte, we looked at what a manager would have to do in order to enhance organizational commitment. In today's byte we shall look at the relation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

We have already understood the importance of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Given the benefits that an organization would accrue from improving these two important work attitudes, every manager would strive to improve these.

These 2 work attitudes are extremely interrelated, both affective and normative commitments are related to job satisfaction. It has also been found that increasing the job satisfaction also increases the commitment of an employee towards the organization.

Managers could begin their act in this direction by taking an attitude survey to understand the employee's satisfaction or dissatisfaction with specific facets of their jobs. They could then chalk out an action plan to make the deficient aspects of the job more satisfying.

Since work attitude influence the business outcomes, it is important that they carefully looked at. Job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior is seen to have a very close alignment with the customer satisfaction and company profitability.

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