
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Motivation - Technology & Recognition-Ownership

In the last byte, we began discussion on the external incentives and their influence on the motivation, with the interest of providing a historical perspective. In today's byte, we continue the discussion on external incentives and attempt to understand a few more concepts - primarily technology as an enabler and the role of recognition and ownership.

Adam smith around whose work we had discussed in the last byte had defined the role of technology in economics pretty clearly. His view was that nation's wealth was primarily determined by the labor force productivity - and more efficient and effective the labor force was, the greater would be the national abundance. Technology in this journey would play the role of a force multiplier, for the labor. Thus, technology attempts to increase the profit generated, and effective handling of the technology could create a good incentive to create greater wealth.

Recognition and Ownership:
It is almost common in today's organization to have an employee recognition programs, flexible benefit package, stock ownership plans etc. These are based largely on the work of Adam Smith and Fredrick Taylor. The incentives today’s organizations do not limit themselves to only economic forms, they also take material forms - like recognition plaques, watches etc.

Research has also found that the ownership that employees feel with their work has a crucial impact on the performance of the organization. We have talked about organizational citizenship behavior and other such positive behaviors early when employees feels the ownership of the task.

Furthering from here, we begin discussing individual theories on motivation for the next few bytes.

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