Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Advent of Modern Technologies

In the last byte, we looked at Positive Healthy Communication, in today's byte; we look at how the concept of communication is changing with the advent of modern technologies.

Thus far in we have discussed how nonverbal behaviors act as important cues in establishing trust in a work setting amongst colleagues, however increasing use of modern technology seems to be complicating the reception of cues which would generally happen in a face to face conversation. This is not to state that modern technology used in communication should be avoided - it is an essential feature of today's management style. It is really hard to imagine a work place today without access to internet, telephone, etc!

It is not just the reaction time that gets reduced by the use of such modern technology, it also helps reduce costs if effectively designed and applied to use - One could easily think of how much a supply chain company like - FedEx could save by shifting the tracking of calls from a physical scheme to an internet based tracking!

Today's business managers have access to more communication tools than ever before and it is important to get an understanding on the use, influence of these technologies in the workplace - this could enhance the effectiveness of the work itself! In spite of all benefits it would be also interesting to look at the role of information technology in actually addressing the ethical issues at work!

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