Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Barriers 4

In the last byte, we looked at cultural diversity as a barrier to communication. In today's byte we look at gender difference and language as barriers to communication.

Gender Differences:
We just explained about cultural diversity in the last byte, and highlighted why it could be a potential barrier to communication. It has been said that even the conversation between men and women too is akin to the conversation between people from different cultures or ethnicities!

A gateway to overcome this barrier is development of the awareness of gender specific differences is a key. Another gateway is to actively seek clarification from the speaker and not interpret it from one's own frame of reference.

Language is another central element in communication and could be a barrier if its use obscures the meaning or distorts the intent. The same word could possess different meaning across countries too.

Language barriers are also created across disciplines and professional boundaries by technical terminologies - acronyms could be understood by few while others outside the context wouldn't be able to get any meaning out of this.

It is always preferred to use a simple, direct, and declarative language - ensure also that sentences are short yet use words commonly used.

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