Saturday, January 11, 2014

Communication - Communication Technologies & Behavior 4

In the last byte, we began our discussion on looking at how communication technology affects behavior. In today's byte, we continue this discussion.

Thus long we have been talking about modern communication means. These means however could push people to miss their social interactions - they would be working through their system all the while! Their social needs thus could be unmet - this would mean absence of the small talks; they would try to get to the point of discussion right away.

Managers could increase their effectiveness in communication by making note these simple pointers:
  1. Strive for completeness in your message
  2. Build in opportunities for feedback
  3. Do not assume you will get an immediate response
  4. Ask yourself if the communication is really necessary
  5. "Disconnect" yourself from the technology at regular intervals
  6. Provide opportunities for social interaction at work.
With this byte, we complete our discussion on Work Place Communication.

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