Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Information Technology 2

In the last byte, we began our discussion on the various communication technologies. In today's byte, we continue this discussion further.

Continuing our discussion on the use of email in workplace communication, it is also been seen that the absence of face to face communication in emails could make some people feel much less inhibited when using email and could end up using e-mail and end up sending "caustic" messages! These emails containing caustic messages could also be called "flaming" email - given that these message have a hostile, abusive, or bullying content in them.

Another technology that is available today is the "voice mail system"; these enable users to retrieve messages from remote locations! Fantastic right? However, timely retrieval of these messages is important - in case these messages are not retrieved in time - it could either be outdated (a message that you cannot act on given the delay in reading it). It is extremely possible that employees with a problem early in the day would feel upset with the slow response for their queries over the voice mail!

Fax Machines are another piece of the marvel of information technology age - where immediate transmission of documents etc is possible. But with the increasing power of emails the use of these machines is slowly on the decline.

Cell Phones we know today are completely a common place phenomenon - these permit communication while away from the office and commute too. With smart phones, the power of cellular communication is no different from a wired desk based communication! While the power of cell phones can provide us seamless connectivity, one would need to be careful about the use of cell phones while driving!

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