Thursday, January 2, 2014

Communication - Interpersonal Process 3

In the last byte, we began understanding the various components of the basic interpersonal communications model. In today's byte, we continue this discussion to look into some definitions that would become more important as we proceed with the discussion further.

Feedback: Is the information fed back that completes the two-way communication
Language: Refers to the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a group of people.
Data: The un-interpreted and unanalyzed facts
Information: Refers to the data that have been interpreted, analyzed and have meaning to some user
Richness: Refers to the ability of a medium or channel to elicit or evoke meaning in the receiver

Without overloading this further, we shall just limit today’s discussion to this point and continue understanding these concepts further in the next few bytes.

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