
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Communication - Interpersonal Process

In the last byte, we set the context for the importance of interpersonal communication. In today's byte, we look at understanding interpersonal communication in a bit more detail.

Interpersonal communication is important in building and sustaining human relations when in an organizational working context. If one were to ask - with all the sophistication in the present world of information technology were to replace interpersonal communication, the simple answer is - No. Let us try to understand it using the model presented below. We shall subsequently define a few of the words use there but not explain it in the current byte.

The image has been adopted form the reference book.

Some Definitions:
  1. Communicator - the person originating a message
  2. Receiver - the person receiving a message
  3. Perceptual Screen - a window through which we interact with people that influences the quality, accuracy and clarity of the communication.

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