Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Non Defensive 4

In the last byte, we discussed about proxemics. In today's byte we discuss about kinesics.

Kinesics refers to the study of body movements and also includes postures.

Let’s take an example - we would have seen many kids stick out their tongues and also waving fingers with one's thumbs in the ear! This annoys many parents and indicates a sort of insult that the child intends to gesture! Similarly there are numerous other gestures and here is a short list of some from the US context.
  1. Rubbing ones hands together or exhibiting a sharp intake of breadth indicates anticipation
  2. Closed hand position, hand wringing, or rubbing the temples indicates stress.
  3. Drumming fingers, pacing, or jingling coins in the pocket are indicates nervousness.
Note: the same gesture could be understood differently in different context.

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