Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Non Defensive 6

In the last byte, we looked at facial expressions and eye-contact and saw what role they played in non-verbal communication. In today's byte, we look at paralanguage and see what role this played in non-verbal communication.

Verbal forms of communication - focus on what is being spoken, and could be written and transferred to the receiver. However, in addition to what is being spoken, we find that there exists a component of how it is being spoken that creates an effect on the listener. The "how" it is being spoken component consists of variations in speech like pitch, loudness, tempo, tone, duration, laugh or cry - all these form the focus of paralanguage dimension of non-verbal communication.

These variations could be attributed to various meanings and then these cues help the receiver decipher the underlying meaning more effectively. Some of such examples could be -
If one speaks at a rapid pace, and is also loud - it could be taken as being nervous or angry!

In addition to how the communication was spoken, there are some "fillers" that we introduce in speaking - especially when we do not get the appropriate words- some such usages are "mmmm…" or "ah-ah" etc typically used to see if the receiver jumps in to help fill in a few words etc also form the subject matter of paralanguage.

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