Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Non Defensive

In the last byte, we looked at defensive tactics. In today's byte, we look at non-defensive communication dimensions.

A person communicating in non-defensive means may be seen to be centered, assertive, controlled, informative, realistic and honest.  Such non-defensive communication is powerful, because the sealer exhibits self-control and self possession without rejecting the listener.

Converting such defensive patterns of communications to non-defensive ones helps enhance relationship building at work. Relationship building behaviors and communication helps reduce adverse responses of blame, and anger when faced with a negative event at work.

A subordinately defensive person needs to learn to be more assertive. Following steps could help in the process
Instead of asking for permission to do something, report what you intend to do and invite confirmation
Instead of using self-deprecating words, convert the message to a self-assertive form.
Non-defensive communication should be self-affirming without being self-aggrandizing.

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