Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Supervisory 2

In the last byte, we listed the 5 essentials that a supervisory communications should possess. In today's byte, we look at how an expressive supervisor and how empathetic listening could help supervisory communication,

Expressive Supervisor:
Just imagining working with a supervisor who is completely and introvert and doesn’t talk to his/her subordinate about what his/her thought are; how would it feel? The subordinate would definitely be left wanting to know what their supervisors are thinking or feeling!
Given this scenario, it would definitely be useful to have a supervisor who is expressing about their thoughts, ideas and feeling - they have to speak out their mind in meetings and outside. This requirement would translate to saying that the supervisor would have to tend towards extroversion and an extremely introvert supervisor would find it hard to be effective at getting the work done through their employees.

Empathetic Listening:
We have discussed in depth of about reflective listening over the last few bytes. Being empathetic listener is just another of the components of reflective listening. Supervisors would need to be willing to listen with patience and be responsive to the problem that the employee or peers bring to them in the context of a work setting. Responding and engaging with the concerns of other people help them be empathetic to the employee or peer with whom they are working.

Empathetic listeners should thereby be willing to listen to the feelings and emotional dimension of the message people provide them and simultaneously look at the content of the ideas and issues. This enables the supervisors be more approachable and better at listening to suggestions and complaints.

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