
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Forms of Organizational Conflicts

In the last byte, we looked at how globalization has begun affecting conflicts in organizations. In today’s byte, we look at the various forms of conflict in an organization.
We could group conflicts into the following forms:
  • Interorganizational Conflicts - this refers to conflicts that occur between two or more organizations
  • Intergroup Conflicts - this refers to conflicts that occur between groups or teams in an organization
  • Intragroup Conflict - this refers to conflicts that occur within groups or teams
  • Interpersonal Conflict - this refers to conflict that occurs between two or more individuals
  • Intrapersonal Conflict - this refers to the conflict that occurs within an individual
  • Interrole Conflict - this refers to the conflict a person experiences amongst the multiple roles in his or her life
  • Intrarole Conflict - this refers to the conflict that occurs within a single role, such as when a person receives conflicting messages from role senders about how to perform a certain role
  • Person-role Conflict - this refers to conflicts when an individual is expected to perform behaviors in a certain role that conflict with his or her personal values

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