
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Group Decision Making 3

In the last byte, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making. In today's byte, we discuss about which one is a better approach. 

It is logical for one to ask - would a group decision be more favorable than individual decision making? The simple answer is - it depends! It depends on the kind of task.
On tasks that have a correct solution, it has been found that individuals outperform groups, while if the interaction required is for a long time - has shown the opposite - group outperforms the individual when a long period of engagement is needed.
While initially, there could be a best member in the group - as time progresses and gains more experience the dependence on the best individual becomes less important.
While it is common for managers to believe that group decision is advantageous and likely to be proffered, it comes in with its own liabilities. There are two potential liabilities with the group think approach - groupthink, group polarization!

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