Saturday, January 11, 2014

Group Formation: Tuckman's Model 2

In the last byte, we looked at forming and storming phases of group formation. In today's byte, we look at storming stage of group formation.

As one moves from the storming phase of group formation to norming phase, we begin finding that roles and responsibilities of the individual becomes clearer. The group members would also have accepted these roles and responsibilities and major decisions would begin forming through group consensus. Agreements and Consensus are in fact the characteristics of this phase.

The focus of the group members would have shifted from interpersonal issues to decision making activities that the team is expected to accomplish. Decisions having relatively smaller impact would be delegated to smaller teams or individual team members.

Some questions that get answered in this phase are:
  1. Who is responsible for what aspects of groups work?
  2. Is there a need for a primary leader or a spokesperson? Etc

Leadership style expected at this stage is facilitative and team is willing to share the responsibility of leadership.

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