Saturday, January 11, 2014

Group Formation: Tuckman's Model 3

In the last byte, we looked at the Norming stage of group formation. In today's byte, we look at Performing and Adjourning stages of group formation.

In the performing stage, it becomes more aware and clear about its mission and purpose. The interpersonal, task and authority issues are already taken care of. The team makes decisions and disagreements that arise are resolved positively with any changes to structure and processes to the existing structure or process of working. The team controls its members by judicious application of positive or negative sanctions. In fact at this stage, the group member wouldn't need to be instructed by the leader - the leader is required to only delegate and oversee.

In the adjourning stage, the task that the group set out to accomplished is completed and the group members could prepare to move out of the create new things. The leader would in this case recognize and appreciate the achievements of this team.

It is also important to note that many groups do not get to the adjourning phase, exception to this are the task-force sort of teams. These teams would continue to remain at the performing stage and there would be no disbanding of the group.

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