
Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Clarifying the Implicit & Reflecting "Core" Feelings

In the last byte, we looked at affirmative contact and paraphrasing as means to improve the reflective communication aspect. In today's byte, we look at Clarification of the implicit and reflecting on the core feeling.

Clarifying the Implicit: Speakers do not just limit their discussion to expressed explicit thoughts and feelings; they also communicate implicit thoughts and feelings. Given the implicit nature, these are not clearly or fully expressed and hence the receiver may or may not assume that implicit thoughts and feelings are witting the awareness of the speaker.

Reflecting "Core" Feelings: The receiver should look for more than just the explicit or the implicit thoughts and feelings that the speaker is expressing. The receiver should reflect on the core feelings that the speakers may be experiencing, and is reaching beyond the immediate awareness level of the speaker."Core" Feelings are the deepest and the most important ones from the speakers’ perspective.

Sure enough, the listener always runs the risk of overreaching in reflecting core feelings if a secure, empathetic relationship with the speaker doesn't exist or if strongly repressed feelings are reflected back. Thus, it is important to exercise caution and care when reflecting.

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