
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Preventive Stress Management 2

In the last byte, we began our discussion on Preventive Stress Management. In today's byte, we extend this discussion and attempt to understand the stages in greater detail.

To better understand the context, lets us diagrammatically represent the same. This is an adopted version from our reference book on organizational behavior. 

Many organizations use the primary prevention mechanism to address the stress challenges that emerges, this is because it changes and shapes the demands that the organization places on people at work. The organizational factors addressed in this mechanism are listed in the organizational context portion of the diagram.

The secondary approach to prevention of stress is more based on the way individual or organization responds to the demand or stressor. People in this case would need to learn to manage the inevitable, inalterable work stressors and demands so as to avert distress and strain while promoting healthy habits.

In the Tertiary approach, they symptoms that emerge out of the stressful situation in the form of symptoms of ill health - could be headaches or even behavioral like absenteeism or in extreme cases hypertension, work stoppages and strikes. There are mechanisms like a full time counselor etc which could help address some of these sorts of issues.

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