
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stress Reduction: Opening Up

In the last byte, we looked at relaxation and diet as means to prevent/reduce stress. In today's byte we look at how opening up helps reduces/prevent stress.

Writing some of our experiences in diaries or discussing with friends are some common things that we do - these activities help reduce stress! Let’s look in closely.

Almost all of us experience traumatic/stressful/painful event at once instance or another during the course of our life's journey. Sharing these or discussing these with another person is not always easy but research has shown that through such discussions with others there are health benefits, immune system improvements and even healing that accrue. In fact between people who write about traumatic events and those who write about non-traumatic events it was found that those who wrote about traumatic events were seen to have a significant health benefits.

It is not just confiding in other people that helps reduce stress - it would suffice even if one were to write a few notes on their daily experience in their personal diary. The typical entry into such personal diaries is about the most troubling thoughts, feelings, and emotions during the course of the day.

To summarize the above, it is the process of opening up and confession that is found to counter the detrimental effects of stress.

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