
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stress Reduction: Professional Help

In the last byte we looked at how opening up leads to reduction in stress. In today's byte we venture further to understand what sort of professional help would be required when an individual opens up and how this could help reduce stress.

Professionally helping relationships help people in opening up through confessions. These could be in the form of - psychological counseling, career counseling, physical therapy, medical treatment, surgical intervention and many similar therapeutic techniques.

Early detection of distress and strain reactions, if combined with prompt professional treatment can be instrumental in many scenarios of permanent physical and psychological damage.

All this while, we have looked at how organizational stress prevention is done, there is also another approach called COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH PROMOTION that is aimed at establishing a "strong and resistant host" by building on individual prevention and lifestyle change. We would only limit ourselves at giving this direction here and now take a move to the interpersonal processes that form part of the organizational behavior studies.

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