
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stress - Strain Relationship 6

In the last byte, we looked at self-reliance and the interdependence pattern of behavior that leads to a positive response when handling stress. We continue the discussion and see counterdependence and overdependence lead to not to positive responses to handling stress.

Counterdependent people are generally seen to be rigid, dismissing and denial of the need of other people when in difficult and stressful times. Is an unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to separation in relationship with others? They exhibit a fearless, aggressive and actively powerful response to challenges.

Overdependence is also unhealthy and insecure pattern of behavior. In this case, the people respond to stressful and threatening situations by clinging to others. These people are found to display characteristics like being desperate, preoccupied with attempt to achieve a sense of security through relationships. The people who are overdependent could be seen as being active but disorganized and anxious when addressing a challenge. It is in fact this very overdependence that prevents the person from being able to organize and maintain healthy relationships and thus create much distress.

It would be a good action at this point to reflect on where we stand at this point - is our behavior interdependence, counterdependent or overdependent!

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