Sunday, January 12, 2014

Team Processes 2

In the last byte, we looked at how team structures help in making the work teams effective. In today's byte, we look at the second dimension team processes.

There are two aspects of the team processes that influence team effectiveness, these are:
  1. managing cooperative behavior in a team
  2. managing competitive behavior in a team
While these two are seemingly contradictory, they really are complementary behaviors and both are essential to getting the work teams effective.

The skills involved in cooperative behavior include open communication, trust, personal integrity, positive interdependence, and mutual support. The positive competitive dimension skills the ability to enjoy competition, play fair, take both winning and losing in the stride, not over exaggerating the results, etc.

It is interesting to note, that when teams are made broader and are deals global dimensions the complexity of these dimensions and their effectiveness become harder.

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