Saturday, January 11, 2014

Work Teams and Groups 3

In the last byte, we looked at the four aspects of behavior that are important in a group setting. In today's byte we discuss group norms of behavior.

Norms of Behavior: are lie standards that are used in looking at the behavior of its individual members. These could be written or unwritten, they could even be verbal or nor-verbal, and in some case they could even be implicit or explicit in other cases. In general this specifies what the group members should do and what the group members should not do.

These norms could evolve informally (just by observation of other group members) or explicitly through training. It could even be unconscious within a group; these could have been developed in repose to a challenge that the group faces (think of fire-fighters here!).

Norms could exist in any aspect of work-life. They play a curial role! - One such is the Performance Norms. Performance norms are the most important group norms from the organization's perspective.

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