Sunday, January 12, 2014

Work Teams - Need

In the last byte, we continued our discussion on task and maintenance functions. In today's byte, we look at the need for work teams in organizations.

Work teams generally refer to task oriented groups but the usage and context could change. These teams don’t just give an important or valuable contribution to the organization, but also give satisfaction to the members involved in the team.

Groups themselves could be seen in different coordination styles, the use of a sports analogy here could be useful here. Some teams are like baseball teams where there is a set responsibility, while other could be like football where there is coordination and that drives the action, yet other are like doubles tennis teams where there is flexibility in the responsibilities but all roles are primary for the completion of the tasks. It is important to also note that while every type of team may have a useful role in the organization, the individual expertise couldn’t be overlooked. It is important to make use of the expertise and allow the individual shine at the right time, and in the right context.

The need for teams itself need not be questioned, where individuals fail - teams have succeeded. Teams are generally preferred when the task is complicated, complex, inter-related, and voluminous and a single individual might not be able to handle it.

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