
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Determining Job Characteristics

In the last byte, we defined the various core job characteristics. In today's byte, we begin looking at the concept of Motivating Potential Scores (MPS). 

Motivating Potential Scores (MPS) indicates a job's potential for motivating incumbents. Hackman and his collegues built the following equation to measure MPS:

         [skill variety] + [task identity] + [task significance]
MPS = ------------------------------------------------------------- x [Autonomy] x [Feedback]
[Refer to the reference book to measure these individual components]
The model includes growth need strength (refers to the desire to grow and fully develop one's ability) as a moderator.  People with high growth need strength respond favorably to jobs with high MPSs, and those with low growth need strength respond less favorably to such jobs.
We shall continue the discussion in the next byte.

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